On-site Assessment was an innovative initiative originally developed by the CITB (Construction Industry Training Board) to address the problematic area of Construction workers who have a wealth of experience in the Industry but lack any formal qualification to reflect their occupational skills. The OSAT process confirms workers existing skills and knowledge in the workplace and allows the attainment of Construction NVQs with the minimum of disruption to both individual and Employer alike.
The main benefits of the OSAT route to achieve an accredited award are as follows:
• It is open to all ages and abilities.
• Very little downtime or adjustment of work patterns whilst gaining an accreditation.
• Existing skills, work products and past experience can be used for evidence against the criteria(s) of the award been undertaken.
• Workers are able to protect themselves and fellow workers in terms of Health & Safety (which is inherent in the NVQ process) and improve their chances of further employment.
More information on the OSAT Construction NVQ